It's PLL day again!!! Recap for Bloody Hell here:
Aria, Spencer and Emily talking to Ali and are going to find a way to get her out of jail.
Ali wants to tell her lawyer about what Mike said to get her out of jail but will wait for them to find something else to free her. Aria is just trying to protect her brother.
Spencer's mom talked to Wren and Spencer is going to London to visit Oxford.
Emily is doing the pageant to get Hanna that money.
Aria is talking to Spencer's mom about Mike.
Talia quit!
Mike could go to jail for keeping info about Ali and Mona from the police.
Hanna says tell the truth to Spencer's mom but that's not such a good idea.
Aria is an amazing big sister!
Oh boy! Spencer's mom goes to ask Ali why the girls went to see her in jail.
Ali wants to tell the truth now? Interesting.
Why did Ali write Mona's name in the dust in the laundry room?
Uh Andrew wants to date Aria but says they can go to the movies as friends.
Spencer is in London and met Colin aka Melissa's flat mate.
How did A get into the jail???
Aria looks amazing!!!
Aria found out who the real Hank Mahoney is and where Cyrus is and she wants Hanna to go with her to talk to Cyrus about A.
Cyrus is in the burn unit of the hospital???
How did A send Ali a creepy doll of her in her prison orange??
How did that blood get in Spencer's purse??
Emily and her dancing though.. WOW!!
Aria looks beautiful even in hospital scrubs!!
What?? A put Cyrus in the hospital???
Sparia on the phone! Spencer is freaking out about the blood and then an A text saying there is more where that come from?? Who's blood is it???
Emily and Talia slow dancing.
A is in the next hosptial bed and what is he/she doing to Cyrus??
Poor Spencer she just wants to go home. She is super freaked out and Colin is trying to calm her down.
Thought they wanted Emily to drop out of the pageant for one reason and it was because of her ties to Ali.
Ashley is going to marry Ted.
Woah! Talia way to make a statement!
Aria is in Mike's room again.
Oh no! Aria almost got really hurt! That makes me sad.
That's what A was doing with the wrench in Mike's room. Sabotage the weightlifting equipment.
Aria is crying again. I hate seeing Aria cry.
Aria and Andrew kissed! Andria! If she can't be with Ezra which I hope she ends up with him, I want her to be with Andrew.
What did Spencer's mom find in Ali's file and why does it have a big red A on it?
Hanna visiting Ali in jail now.
Ali wants to start over being friends again with the girls but Hanna wants her to be honest with them from now on.
Why is A putting big bills in jail bibles?
Next week is crazy!! Hanna gets arrested and there is only 3 eps left until the Big A reveal!!
Until next week....
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