Tuesday, February 17, 2015

5 x 20 Pretty Isn't The Point recap!!

Yay PLL Day!! Pretty Isn't The Point recap time!!

Aria, Spencer, Hanna, and Emily going through Mike's room. 
A weird, coded necklace that Mike has. 
Emily and Talia are a thing!
Mike getting coffee actually he is getting 2 coffees what is getting 2 for?
Jonny and Spencer! 
Awkward! Toby showed up. 
So much tension between Toby and Spencer. I miss the old Spoby. 
Caleb has a really cool old fridge in his place!
How did Jonny's Holis art get into that window? 
Mike needs to eat a Snickers haha! But seriously, Aria does not deserve to be on the receiving end of his outbursts!
Ok seriously, that is Effed up, who stole Jonny and Spencer's art like that?
What kind of questions are those being asked to Hanna from the Pagent lady? Those are some freaking hard questions!!!
Oh boy! Talia's husband more awkardness!
Mike in the tree what did he just put in that tree hole? 
Andrew is following him!!
Emily talking to Hanna's mom about Talia. 
Aria has such cute outfits every time! As much as I love Ezra and always will and will always think and he and Aria should be together, Andrew was being super cute and protective of Aria! I love that in a man!
Spencer is going to help Jonny steal the rest of his paintings oh boy!
Emily teaching Hanna how to dance and Caleb walks in!
What the??? Hanna's step sister Kate signed up for the Pagent too!
Spencer and Jonny breaking into an art gallery and Aria snooping around I bet she is trying to find out what Mike's been up to. 
Ashley knows that Kate is competing against Hanna now. 
Where are Spencer and Jonny going and what is Toby doing there? 
Toby arrested Jonny!
Only 4 episodes left in season 5 and season 6 starts filming on March 24th!
Aria is going to find something and how many times do we have to go through the you shouldn't snoop around the woods at night thing. 
Hanna is dancing crazy style. 
Poor Hanna and Emily is pissed!
Aria found something!!! Aria found blood but who's? 
Mike found her but Mona's blood? How? 
I feel so bad for Aria, she is so scared of her own brother, understandably so.
What?? A put Kate's name on the sign up sheet?? 
Go Emily! She's such a great friend
Jonny got kicked out of the barn at Spencer's house. 
Oh Crap!! Spencer and Jonny pissed that was not supposed to happen.
I knew Mike knew about A! 
What??? Mona was going to fake her death so she could come back stop A and be the hero? but where is she now? and what was that about her body in the trunk? She is really dead. 
Glad Mike finally told the truth though and the liars want to get Ali out the jail now since they know that she is not A now. 
Woah!! A is going to hurt Mike! 

Only 4 episodes left in season 5!!! 

Until next week....  

Just a little funny edit I made: 


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