Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Yay!! It's PLL Day!! Recap for 5 x 17 "The Bin of Sin"

Here's this weeks recap!!

Hanna is trying to find a solid aliby for herself. A is really trying to set her up. 
I hope Aria tells Ezra about the letter before A does. 
Aria gave Ezra the letter not sure how that is going to end. 
Hanna bought cleaning supplies that is not going to look good for her at all. 
I love Ezria so much!!!!!!
Hanna's mom is quitting working with Jason. That was probably a good move. 
Caleb and Hanna are breaking into the storage unit. 
Also, Toby is digging into stuff and Tanner doesn't like it at all hmmmm...
This whole Jason and Ashley thing makes me very uncomfortable. 
Ugh Ezra is so not ok with Aria's letter. 
Who cleaned out the storage area and left the barrel? 
Ok that is one creepy place that Aria, Spencer and Emily are at. 
Oh crap! Tanner and Toby just caught Hanna and Caleb.
Like Tanner is going to believe that story that Caleb told about him renting a unit.
A is setting a serious trap for the girls in that creepy place.
Toby and Tanner found the barrel this is not looking good for Hanna and Caleb.
Yep definetly an A trap with the laptop playing Hanna and Caleb talking about moving the barrel on loop.
A just locked Sparia in a freezer. 
Emily saves the day just in time. 
Ok seriously now what is in that barrel and blood drops hmmm..
I wonder if that is A's blood? but I don't think A would be that careless.
Nooo not Ezria and Aria is crying again that kills me. 
Tanner is trying to get Toby to talk. 
Talia is so into Emily and brought her comfort food.
Haleb will go down together if neccessary
Aria is looking at her yearbook and this whole Ezria breaking up is making me really sad. 
What is happening to Spoby? First Ezria now Spoby?? I can't!!!
A's new lair is the old ice cream factory?? and finger prints???

I see Holbrook is back next week and acting more creepy than usual. He might be A. 
This just keeps getting crazier and crazier. 

Until next week... 

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