it's PLL day once again!! YAY!!! Here is my recap for "Fresh Meat"
Ali is in jail for Mona and Bethany's murder. That orange jumpsuit is not Ali's style at all.
Officer Toby talking to Ali. Ali is not effing around. She says the girls are either going to be arrested or A is going to kill them. Oh Snap!!!
Hmmm who set up the crazy firework display?? Hoolbrook is very suspicious indeed, Aria!
Oh now Hanna tells the others about her kissing Holbrook!
Emily wants to work for Ezra to earn money to go see Paige over spring break!
Aria told Emily how she has been rejected to every college she's applied too. I feel so bad for her.
Hanna's mom and Jason working together... interesting
Tanner is having people search for Mona's body behind her house again and Officer Toby just found the murder weapon and he is covering it up!!! Oh boy!!
What the??? The knife belonged to Toby's dad!!! Spencer and Caleb don't want Toby to turn the knfie in!
Nobody is going to touch the knife and nobody is going to talk about it either!
Almost opening time for Ezra's new "Brew"!!!
Emily is the new Barista!
Ali wants to talk to Jason but he doesn't want to talk to her.
Woah!! Jason thinks Ali may have had something to do with their mom's death!
Caleb told Hanna about the knife!!!!
Ezria!!! and now Aria knows that Jackie is the admissions officer, I knew it was her!! What a biatch!
Caleb is going back for the knife and he has been arrested on suspicion of murder before and Spencer is going with Caleb to get the knife!! What are they going to do with it once they get it???
I love what Aria is doing to get back at Jackie also love the Kale shirt!!!
Emily throwing raw dough at the wall in the kitchen.
Hanna is spying on Holbrook to find out what he is really up to...
That place is hella creepy!
Holbrook is caught in a lie oh snap!!!
Holbrook's dad thinks Hanna is Ali and Ewwwwww!!! stuffed bare stuffed with dead insides in Hanna's car!! A must of have followed her!
Emily didn't like Aria's college letter aimed at Jackie.
Emily does not like who Ezra hired to help in the kitchen.
Spencer and Toby trying to destroy the knife.
Oh boy footsteps in the empty school.
A just locked Caleb in the kiln and it's turned on.
Aria went all the way up to the college to get her letter deleted but Jackie already read it and was actually nice about it. I so hope Aria gets accepted there!
Spencer just realized Caleb was trapped in the kiln and A totally locked Caleb in there!
Hanna went to see Ali. Ali said she went to see Cyrus on Thanksgiving for the hours. Not sure how many people would actually believe that right now.
Ezra has a full house!!
Emily is seriously peeved right now.
I feel bad for Emily she really loves Paige and Paige won't return any of her emails or anything.
Jason's dad has basically disowned him for ratting on Ali. That wasn't nice at all.
Aria looks freaking Amazing and she got into college!! I am so freaking happy for her!!
Toby is really mad!
Spoby cannot break up they just can't!!!
Uh!!! Jason kissed Hanna's mom!! When Hanna finds out about that....
Oh crap!!! A found Aria's letter to Jackie!!!
Hanna's mom and Jason totally hooked up oh boy Hanna is going to lose it!
Next week is going to be INSANE!!! Mona texting from the grave, A trying to get the girls arrested like Ali!!! Can't Wait!!!!
Oh and I got my New PLL Hoodie today!!!
Until Next Week....
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