Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Happy PLL Day! Recap for 6 x 18 "Burn This"

Happy PLL Day!! Here's the recap for episode 6 x 18 "Burn This" 

Aria showed Hanna and Emily pictures from her parents wedding and A was there and left a couple of notes they want the killer by election night. Melissa went back to London? Spoby flashback! Ali can't come to Hanna's wedding shower. Ezra suggested that he and Aria write his book together. Ashley offered to let Caleb stay in her guest room. 

Toby is super pissed because of what Caleb supposedly did and punched the crap out of him. Hanna is pissed at her mom for offering Caleb the guest room. Mona got fired from the other campaign as well. Aria and Ezra start working on the book together. Tanner showed up at Aria's house and told her a whitness from the diner that night saw the person who supposedly made the call to Charlotte and it fits Aria's description and she was never there and now she has to go in a line up to be ruled out. 

Aria in the police line up breaks my heart she didn't do anything wrong. Emily found the SUV that was used to try and run her over in some shady shop. Aria made it through the line up and wasn't arrested thank God. She went back to try and find out who the whitness was but Tanner wouldn't tell her she was able to read some of the file on Tanner's desk though and told Tanner off. 

Spencer's dad said someone was blackmailing Melissa that's why she went back to London. Mona showed up at Hanna's wedding shower. Hanna's loft just went crazy the new "A" must of been messing with it and made a fireball blow up at Aria. 

Aria has second degree burns, that hurts my heart. Spencer thinks it was Mona that made a loft go crazy. Spencer told Toby the truth about Caleb and the new "A". 

Awww! Ezra showed up at the hospital to comfort Aria and is reading to her. Liam showed up at the hospital and ruined an amazing Ezria moment but he did bring some good news Aria's boss wants her and Ezra to write the book together. 

OMG! Mona has the dice keychain like the one the whitness saw on the girl at the diner the night Charlotte died! 

Only one more episode before the finale! Next week, Aria finally tells Ezra about the new "A"! 


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