Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Happy PLL Day!!! Recap 6 x 07 O Brother Where Art Thou

Another PLL Day is here and so is another recap: 

Team Sparia together again and I love it! 
Mr D is taking Ali somewhere and he knows that Charles is alive! 
Ali knows Charles is alive! 
Hanna got a huge scholarship! 
Sara's friend Claire is back looking for her. 
Spencer is trying to protect Toby again.
Aria, Spencer, Hanna, and Mona were waiting for Lesli to come but she didn't come.
Emily helped Sara get ready to see her friend Claire and they talked about what they did together. 
Lorenzo tried to find Ali and found Jason instead and Jason found a creepy birthday invitation from Charles 
Mike is back and Aria got rid of her creepy dolls. 
Mona doesn't want to talk to or see Mike. 
Claire wants Sara to live with her now. Emily doesn't want her to. 
Hanna's scholarship came from the place that shut down Radley.
Ali wanted her dad to tell the police that Charles is alive but he doesn't want to. 
Claires dad came and got Sara to go live with Claire. 
The girls went to try and talk to Jason but he didn't answer the door. 
Mona's mom let him in to see Mona but Mona doesn't want to see him. 
Hanna and Spencer wanted to remove their chips and follow Jason to get to Charles but Aria and Emily didn't want to but Spencer is bringing Toby with them and they removed their chips. 
Spencer told Toby everything and now he knows about Charles. 
Mike and Mona are together again!
Toby wouldn't let the girls go with him to find Jason and Charles and he found Spencer's pot brownies. 
Toby brought Lorenzo with him. 
Aria almost called 911! 
Mona and went got Ali after she snuck out of the hotel. 
Jason went to a creepy arcade like Charles asked. 
Ali called the police and told them who Charles is!!!! 
The police found Charles' invitation to Jason! 
Toby and Lorenzo interupted Jason and Charles' meeting and then the police came and the girls were there too! Oh crap! 
Hanna didn't want to take the scholarship money but her mom already deposited the money. 
Ugh Aria crying again breaks my heart every time but she got a letter and her photography will be shown in an art studio. 
Ali found Jason at home drinking and then a creepy voice came from upstairs. Charles had set up more home movies for them to see. 

We are 2 episodes away from the finale now! Next week they girls think Charles wants them back! Can't wait to see what happens! 

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