Happy PLL 100th episode day recap!!! This is going to be so good and hopefully with lots of Ezria feels too! I have to do this post from my ipod because my laptop is only half working right now but getting it looked at and hopefully fixed tomorrow so forgive any typos. Now for the recap!
And it's on!
Hanna and Travis doing a project together cute
Ezria!!!!! Aww Ezra wishes he could fix everything for Aria!!! I love them so much!
Oh crap! Jenna's back!
Ali's back at Rosewood High and everyone is staring awkward!
Dang! Spencer's mom is leaving her dad and taking Spencer with her but I don't think she is going to go willingly.
Hanna going to Lucas' party!
Aww Aria! going to see Jenna I really hope she can find peace somehow
Paige and Ali talking interesting
Caleb is back!!!
Hanna is so drunk!
Jenna knew Aria was in her house earlier Aria is so sweet though trying to help Jenna!
Somebody following Ali creepy! I knew it was Mona though
Ali vs Mona!
Slap time!
Somebody was following Ali in the car not Mona though!
Emily staying the night with Ali who really did have feelings for her!
Yay! more Ezria!!! my heart!!!
Ezria forever!!!
Speechless everyone!
hmm new girl Sydney and Jenna and Mona plotting to get rid of Ali
Haleb moment!
Everyone together!
Woah! explosion!
A is back!
Best episode ever!
Please don't hurt Aria!
We'll that's it!
~peace and love~